Profile PictureMaddie Cleary

The Shadow Work Trilogy: A 3-Part Guide to Healing + Releasing Limiting Beliefs

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The Shadow Work Trilogy: A 3-Part Guide to Healing + Releasing Limiting Beliefs

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Let Go of Your Old Stories.

Let Go of Feeling Sorry For Yourself,

And Let Go of The Limiting Beliefs That Are Holding You Back From Reaching Your Full Potential.

The Shadow Work Trilogy is a 3-Part journaling series dedicated to confronting and healing the blockages within ourselves. These workbooks take you through the 3 main phases of Shadow Work:

  1. Identifying the Gap - Understanding the space between where you currently are in an aspect of your life, and where you want to be. This workbook allows you to "work backwards" to find out what Limiting Beliefs are holding you back from living your desired reality.
  2. Working Through Limiting Beliefs - In this workbook we "undo" your limiting beliefs. I take you through my 6-Step Shadow Work journaling process to unwire the blockages that are no longer serving you.
  3. Release - Once you have unwired all limiting beliefs we must release any leftover negative stagnant energy, to make room for new energy to enter our life. You go through a 4-Step releasing process and end the Trilogy with a meditation.
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You'll get...

Workbook 1: Identifying the "Gap" Workbook
Workbook 2: Working Through Limiting Beliefs
Workbook 3: Release + Ho'oponopono
6-Steps to Shadow Work Guide
Clarity Journal Prompts
A Framework to Use to Heal Any Limiting Beliefs in Your Life
Intensive Healing + Finally Releasing Those Old Beliefs That No Longer Serve You :')
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